
A pioneer in her field , Mélissa Boulanger is the founder of Technique MEBP®, massage for special needs children.
A pioneer in her field, Mélissa Boulanger is the founder of Technique MEBP®, massage for special needs children. She is a mother of two boys both with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Disorder without Hyperactivity (ADD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
A graduate in shiatsu and Swedish massage, she specialized in the accompaniment of special needs children. Her training, her knowledge, and her experience led her to create MEBP® Technique. An effective approach of intervention recommended for all children with ASD, ADHD or other related disorders, Technique MEBP® is taught in Canada, Switzerland, France, Estonia, and Belgium.
Recognized worldwide, Technique MEBP® is accredited by several federations, associations, and government departments. MEBP® technique is a registered trademark created to protect the public. Only massage therapists who complete the training program and sign the Trademark License Agreement are allowed to use this reserved designation.
Accreditations and qualifications
Member of National Network of Expertise in Autism Spectrum Disorders ( RNETSA )
Associated member of Quebec Federation of Autism
Certified massage therapist of Quebec Federation of Massage Therapists
Graduated in Shiatsu massage at the Guijek Institute
Graduated in Swedish massage at Orthotherapy massage academy
Graduated in baby and infant massage at Physiotherapist Institute
Graduated in Massage in Schools Program at Misa Quebec
Specific qualifications
Certificate of Intervention in Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders - University of Montreal - ongoing
Certificate - FISP1 - The Internal Functioning of the Autistic Thought Structure Level 1 - SACCADE - Center d 'expertise en autisme
Attestation - LSC1 - T he Conceptual SACCADE Language Level 1 - SACCADE - Center of expertise in autism
Attestation - EMOT1 - Autism spectrum disorder and emotions Level 1 - SACCADE - Center of expertise in autism
Certificate - PACQ-2 - Communicate with a person with autism - SACCADE - Center of expertise in autism
Attestation - ADHD : understand, support and take care of children - Laval University
Certificate - Autism Spectrum Disorder - University of California, Davis
Certificate - Introduction to Autism - Geneva Center for Autism
Certificate - Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders - Joe-Ann Benoit
Certification - Sensory Difficulties in Children - Patrick Major, Occupational Therapist
Attestation of Attendance - Aspergers Children's Parenthood Association (APEA) Conference
The Asperger Child: Past, Present, and Future - Tony Attwood Ph.D.
The quest for diagnosis: a difficulty journey - N Ormand Giroux Ph.D.
The Asperger's child and his doctor - better understanding comorbidities - Sylvain Palardy Ph.D.
Certificate of Attendance - 2016 CENOP Training Center Symposium - Psychopathology of Impulsivity : Evaluative Challenges and Evidentiary Interventions.
The contribution of neuroimaging to the understanding of impulsive symptoms in ADHD: from inhibition to delay aversion. - Michel Habib Ph.D.
Impulsivity, High Potentia l, and ADHD - Olivier Revol Ph.D.
The neurobiology of impulsivity - Hugo Théoret PhD.
Impulsivity and Tourette - Yves Dion Ph.D.
The challenge of differential diagnosis when excessive anxiety gets involved - Marie-Eve Nadeau PhD.
And if I could inhibit my tics !!! - Line Gascon Ph.D.
Emotional regulation and management of impulsivity in children and adolescents with ADHD - Magali Rebattel PhD, Anne Gramond Ph.D. and Marie Jourdain Ph.D.
Impulsivity in autistic children - Ginette Bernier
Impulsivity: how to cope? - Francine Lussier Ph.D.
Certificate of Attendance - ADHD "ADHD in all directions"
ADHD: A World of Discovery - Annick Vincent Ph.D.
Focus on ADHD: Maps and Compasses to Better Intervene - Dr. Annick Vincent and Mr. Eric Lacourse
At the borders of ADHD - Anthony Rostain Ph.D.
Part 1 - Tips and tricks for adults with ADHD - Martin Pearson Ph.D.
Part 2 - the art of thinking differently: ADHD at work - Martin Pearson Ph.D.
Certificate of Attendance - Congress Better Understanding NEURODIVERSITY
Stress: Or how to hunt mammoths without leaving their skin - Sonia Lupien PhD
Socio-sexual education adapted to individuals - Isabelle Hénault Ph.D.
Better understanding sleep in children with a neurodevelopmental disorder - Roger Godbout PhD.
Certificate of Attendance - Developing Autonomy in Persons with ASD Without DI - Isabelle Hénault PhD
Certificate of Attendance - Managing opposition of young ADHD and finding harmony at home - Benoit Hammarrenger PhD

MEBP® technique is a registered trademark of Mélissa Boulanger. All rights reserved.