Technique MEBP® differs from ‘’traditional’’ massage as it is specifically adapted for children with special needs.
The massage is supported by a visual routine
Given on a futon, and fully dressed
Consists of
deep pressures
Respects the sensory characteristics
and the needs of each child
* Are considered as special needs: needs related to neurodevelopmental conditions or neurological variations, physical and intellectual disabilities, psychopathologies and situations that are not yet recognized as giftedness, without being limited to these conditions
or situations (temporary or permanent ).
Helps concentration and improves availability
Massage stimulates the proprioceptive system which brings several benefits
Improves concentration and
Helps manage anxiety
Improves constipation
Helps diminish the frequency &
intensity of tics
Improves quality of sleep
Reduces the
frequency & severity of
migraines and
Increases the
tolerance to touch
Increases body
Technique MEBP® adapted for adults
Technique MEBP® adapted for adults is a specialisation for practitioners who are already
certified with Technique MEBP®.
Technique MEBP® adapted for adults considers the specificities of people with special needs,
but also people with intellectual disabilities and/or associated syndromes or behaviours.
This training helps the practitioners to adapt the environment and his interpersonal skills to optimise
his interactions with the person.
Technique MEBP® is recognized worldwide and accredited by many federations, and associations.
Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec
Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes agrées
Fondation ASCA, fondation Suisse pour les médecines complémentaires
Fédération française de Shiatsu
National Certification Board For Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) USA
IPHM International Practitioners of
Holistic Medecine
TQUK Level 3 Awardin Education and Training (RQF)
The Complementary Medical Association